Friday, May 17, 2013

Information to be Collected

 I plan to gather primary empirical demographic data and primary qualitative data. Specifically, the qualitative information will be in the form anecdotal, opinion and experiential data produced through one-on-one interviews, questionnaires and a possible group interview.

The quantitative demographic data is highly relevant for two reasons. Firstly, as no specific research has been done on the demographic composition of the editing community in India, this data is required in order for the first research objective of this study to be achieved. Secondly, as this study aims not only to discover but to analyze the barriers and challenges that women face to their participation in contributing to Wikipedia in the Indian context, this demographic information will generate insight into what types (age, gender, level of educational attainment, etc.) of individuals are currently involved in editing, and who is being excluded. This information will aid in the fulfillment of my second research objective.

As for the qualitative data, the questions pertaining to the barriers and challenges that women face to their participation in the editing of Wikipedia listed under my second objective will be answered through the anecdotal, opinion and experiential data that is gathered in this study. 

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